Conference Papers
Strategies to Overcome Poverty & Inequality Conference, September 2012
Over 300 papers were submitted for ‘Towards Carnegie III: Strategies to Overcome Poverty and Inequality”, and made available to conference participants. All papers for which the author/s have given permission are downloadable here as PDFs. The number before a paper refers to the conference abstract book, also available here.
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1. The role of the church in combating poverty and inequality in South Africa: A case study from Cape Town – David Adams
2. Poverty, inequality and gender: The nuanced and not so nuanced links and implications – Whynie Adams
3. Scarce skills and public technical and vocational training in South Africa: Twin challenges or two sides of the same coin? Salim Akoojee
4. Despite insurance coverage: Observed inequalities in health care utilization among civil servants in South Africa – Olufunke A Alaba, Jane Goudge, Veloshnee Govender, Bronwyn Harris, Nonhlanhla Nxumalo, John E Ataguba & Matthew Chersich
7. The challenge of employment creation in South Africa – Miriam Altman
9. Labor supply responses to large social transfers: Longitudinal evidence from South Africa – Cally Ardington, Anne Case & Victoria Hosegood
10. Legislated restitution: A strategy to address poverty and inequality within South Africa – Edwin Arrison
11. Health care financing and income inequality in South Africa: Implications for a universal health system – John E. Ataguba & Di McIntyre
12. Leveraging carbon revenue for poverty alleviation – Peter Atkins & Gisela Prasad
13. Revitalising municipal commonages as a key approach to land reform and pro-poor agricultural development – Doreen Atkinson, Clement Cupido & Igshaan Samuels
14. Early childhood development as a strategy to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality – Michaela Ashley-Cooper & Eric Atmore
15. Transforming African agriculture: Organics and AGRA – Raymond Auerbach
16. An evaluation of the National Development Plan: Processes and outcomes for low carbon, sustainable development and gender equality in South Africa – Anna Azarch
18. Urban food security and the urban food policy gap – Jane Battersby
19. The challenges faced by education in solving the unemployment problem in South Africa – Jan Nieuwenhuis & Johan Beckmann
20. Tuberculosis and structural poverty: What can be done? – Solomon R. Benatar & Ross Upshur
21. Labour law beyond employment – Paul Benjamin
22. The challenge of tuberculosis and poverty – a complex interaction ¬– Nulda Beyers, Ronelle Burger, Mareli Claassens, Peter Godfrey-Faussett, Helen Ayles, Sian Floyd, Rory Dunbar & Donald E. Enarson
23. The impact of sectoral minimum wage laws on employment, wages and hours of work in South Africa – Haroon Bhorat, Ravi Kanbur & Natasha Mayet
25. The Sobambisana ECD Evaluation: Lessons learnt from home visiting, playgroups and centre-based support in poor communities – Linda Biersteker, Andrew Dawes & Lynn Hendricks
27. Does treatment collection and observation each day keep the patient away? Analysing the determinants of adherence among patients with Tuberculosis in South Africa – Stephen Birch, Veloshnee Govender, Jana Fried, John Eyles, Vanessa Daries, Mosa Moshabela & Susan Cleary
28. The relationship between poverty and remittances in South Africa – Mduduzi Biyase
29. Capital intensive industrialisation and comparative advantage: Can South Africa do better in labour demanding manufacturing? – Anthony Black and Reviva Hasson
30. The liberatory discourse of education: Education and discourse in South Africa – Graeme Bloch
31. It all begins with a story… Nal’ibali: Developing a love of stories – Carole Bloch
32. The role of family involvement in the coping and resilience of adolescents living in poverty – Anja Botha
33. Grounded low carbon development strategies in Cape Town – the role of bicycles and Bicycle Empowerment Centres (BECs) – Michael Boulle
34. The Church as an agent of change: Reflections on the role of the Church in Carnegie 1, II and now III? – Nadine Bowers Du Toit
35. Poverty as injustice – Danie Brand, Stephen de Beer, Isolde de Villiers & Karin van Marle
36. Leave the gangster things to the boys growing up now: A young man’s experience of physical and structural violence in a Cape Town township – Jasmina Brankovic
37. Changes in education and the effects of earning and employment inequality in South Africa: A cohort analysis – Nicola Branson, Cally Ardington, David Lam, Murray Leibbrandt
38. Organising for quality education – Joey Hasson & Brad Brockman
39. Capacitating for change: A model of practice from Grandmothers Against Poverty and AIDS (GAPA) – Yoliswa Vivienne Budaza, Kathleen Brodrick & Althea Barry
40. Macroeconomic policy and South African unemployment: Multiple segments and an agenda for research – Philippe Burger & Frederick Fourie
41. Creating resilient livelihoods with SCIP – Jeremy Burnham
42. The South African Child Support Grant: Impact assessment – Executive Summary – Thabani Buthelezi
43. Language proficiency, language policy and earnings in South Africa – Daniela Casale & Dorrit Posel
44. The problem of income inequality in South Africa – Geoffrey Scott Chapman
45. Informality disallowed: State restrictions on informal traders and micro-enterprises. Case evidence from Brown’s Farm, Philippi in Cape Town – Andrew Charman, Laurence Piper & Leif Petersen
46. Localisation as a strategy for sustainable poverty alleviation: Some action research experiments in Nelson Mandela Bay – Janet Cherry
48. Smallholder farming: A panacea for poverty alleviation and employment creation in South Africa? Lessons from the Pro-poor Value Chain Governance Project – Davison Chikazunga & Gaynor Paradza
50. Perceived barriers to entry into self-employment in Khayelitsha, South Africa: Crime, risk and start-up capital dominate profit concerns – Paul L. Cichello, Colin Almeleh, Liberty Mncube & Morne Oosthuizen
51. Labour market: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 and Wave 2 datasets – Paul Cichello, Murray Leibbrandt & Ingrid Woolard
52. The impact of gendered and economic inequalities on child sexual abuse risk – Alice Clarfelt & Laura Myers
53. Investigating the affordability of key health services in South Africa – Susan Cleary, Steve Birch, Natsaya Chimbindi, Sheetal Silal & Di McIntyre
54. Concept paper: Towards new collective bargaining, wage and social protection strategies. Learning from the Brazilian experience – Neil Coleman
55. The role of government and civil society in ensuring access to social justice for children – Desia Colgan
56. Communal land tenure reform and the politics of ‘tradition’ – Ben Cousins
57. Smallholder irrigation schemes, agrarian reform and accumulation from below: Evidence from Tugela Ferry, Kwa-Zulu Natal – Ben Cousins
58. Deindustrialisation, professionalization and racial inequality in Cape Town, 1980 – 2010 – Owen Crankshaw
59. The online visibility of South African research: The case of Google Search on poverty alleviation – Laura Czerniewicz & Kelsey Wiens
60. Home ownership as a tool for long-term inequality reduction: Reflections on the transmission mechanism between macro-economic policy and home ownership – Reza Che Daniels
61. Wealth in the National Income Dynamics Study Wave 2 – Reza Che Daniels, Arden Finn & Sibongile Musundwa
62. Grassroots Soccer: Our approach to HIV prevention – James Donald
63. Actors, agency and innovation in the citrus value chain: Lessons for land reform from the Moletele Land Claim, Limpopo Province – Nerhene Davis
64. Bringing in the social: Power and agency in the social enterprise craft sector – Shari Daya
65. The Wool Sheep Development Program in communal areas of South Africa – Leon de Beer
67. “We are thrown away people”: Growing up in the Flats of Manenberg, a case study – Ariane De Lannoy
68. Assessing the need for a poverty information service – Rick de Satge
70. Open Educational Resources as a strategy to address inequality in education: Opportunities and challenges – Gregory Doyle, Glenda Cox & Samantha Lee Pan
71. The government of poverty and the arts of survival: Responses to structural poverty and inequality in South Africa – Andries du Toit
72. The trouble with poverty: Reflections on South Africa’s post-apartheid poverty consensus – Andries du Toit
73. Dynamics of agrarian change in the sugar industry and implications for land and agrarian reform – Alex Dubb
74. Rurality, poverty and disability: Strategies for community LED action towards poverty alleviation and social inclusion –M Duncan, K Sherry, R Watson & M Booi
75. Testing trade theory: The retail price impact of clothing quotas in South Africa – Laurence Edwards & Neil Rankin
76. The need for a synoptic view – George Ellis
77. Strategies to maximise the effectiveness of compulsory pro bono legal work (and ancillary services) in South Africa: The potential impact of the Legal Practice Bill – Patricia Erasmus & S Venter
78. Making education work: The Midlands Community College Experience – Debby Evans
79. Exploring the full use of partnerships and a multi-faceted job saving strategy to more effectively address job loss and deepening poverty – Winnie Everett & Jeremy Daphne
80. Bridging the gap between small scale agriculture and sustainable commercial agriculture creating new jobs and bringing about sustainable transformation in agriculture – J Every, L Mavhungu & J Rikhotso
81. Grant making for poverty reduction – Merle Favis
82. Introducing and implementing ICT IVd training in a developing community in South Africa – Nondumiso Fengu & Kirsten Krauss
83. Programme in household food security: An inter-disciplinary practice strategy for community engagement in higher education – Alice Barlow-Zambodla & Fransa Ferreira
84. Income mobility in a high-inequality society: Evidence from the first two waves of the National Income Dynamics Study – Arden Finn, Murray Leibbrandt & James Levinsohn
85. The South African unemployment debate: Three worlds, three discourses? – Frederick Fourie
86. Environmental education and entrepreneurship development in Namaqualand: An investment in the future – Natasha Gabriels & Jocelyn Collins
87. Occupation-based community development: Strategies for promoting potential – R Galvaan, L Peters, C Cornelius & L Richards
88. The changing nature of the large-scale commercial farming sector in South Africa and the implications for agrarian reform: Evidence from Limpopo, the Western Cape and the Northern Cape – Amelia Genis
89. The poverty trap: Agricultural support initiatives within the National Spatial Development perspective – Herman Geyer
90. Reorientating pro-poor local economic development to an institutionalist approach – Herman Geyer
91. The poverty of education – David Gilmour, Pam Christie & Crain Soudien
92. A pre-R year: Is it worth it, and what would it cost? An applied policy analysis/critique focused on the practical, financial and policy implications of increasing support to the pre-R year in South Africa – Elizabeth Girdwood
93. Institutional wage effects: Revisiting union and bargaining council wage premia in South Africa – Haroon Bhorat, Carlene van der Westhuizen & Sumayya Goga
94. Motivation mojo: Affect as a proxy for equity and social justice – Jacqueline Goldin
95. Facilitating connection to opportunity: Implementation stories from the creation of a mobile opportunity mediator – Rumbidzai Goredema
96. Poverty and disability: Leverage points for change – Lauren Graham, Marguerite Schneider, Reem Mutwali & Jacqueline Moodley
99. Business model innovation for the bottom of the pyramid markets through upstream and downstream collaborations – Solomon Habtay, Chimwemwe Chipeta & Mengsteab Tesfayohannes
100. The reinvention of land redistribution: Three cycles of policy 1994-2012 – Ruth Hall
102. Defining the pillars of poverty – Braam Hanekom
104. Tackling the hard ‘soft’ aspects of transformation: The role of grant-making foundations in South Africa – David Harrison
105. The state of provision of early childhood development services in South Africa – David Harrison
106. Professionalisation of community development in South Africa: Process, issues and achievements – CS Hart
108. Conflict, compromise and ‘community’: The problem of land restitution in Mopane District, Limpopo Province – Michelle Hay
109. Food governance and the city: A case study of the Phillipi horticultural area, Cape Town – Gareth Haysom
110. Tourism, educational tourists and global mobility: Strategies from the tourism industry to address poverty and inequality in South Africa – Unathi Sonwabile Henama
111. Changing lives! Saving lives!: The Schools Environmental Education Project (SEEP) and township youth in the Western Cape – Paul Hendricks & William Leith
112. What do we know about teaching and learning in South African primary schools? – Ursula Hoadley
113. The effect of corruption on poverty – Paul Hoffman
114. Addressing the challenges of poor quality and inequality in education in South Africa: The role of the law and civil society in creating a system of effective public accountability in realising the right to a basic education – Dimitri Holtzman & Precillar Moyo
115. Hybrid livestock systems on land redistribution projects in KwaZulu Natal: Reproduction/accumulation dynamics and social differentiation – Donna Hornby
117. Energy access: Where are we going in Africa? – Alison Hughes & Gisela Prasad
119. The impact of employment contract dispute resolution by the CCMA on the South African labour market – Haroon Bhorat, Carlene van der Westhuizen & Elne Jacobs
121. Who gets the Disability Grant in South Africa? An analysis of the characteristics of recipients in urban and rural areas – Jennifer Jelsma, Soraya Maart, Arne Eide, Mzolisi Toni & Mitch Loeb
122. Young people as drivers of public innovation: The approach and experience of the Activate! Leadership and Public Innovation Programme – Janet Jobson
126. Poverty and education – Jurie Joubert
127. The quest for equity, equality and quality in education: TEACH South African intervention – Elby Kabamadondo
129. Farmer Support Programmes: Lessons from implementation – Nick Vink, Johann van Rooyen & Mohammad Karaan
130. The methodological development of Molteno’s Vula Bula reading materials to ameliorate literacy inequality in South Africa and other post-colonial societies – Jenny Katz, Paula Gains & Hazel Puwani
131. Prospects for the non-profit services sector in the developmental state – Kevin Kelly
135. Community mobilization through multi-media technologies: A new paradigm of research and intervention on poverty and inequality – Shose Kessi
136. On the changing nature of township economy: From spaza shops to shopping malls – Eckson Khambule
137. Factors associated with teenage pregnancy in South Africa – Neloufar Khan
138. Etafeni Trust: Providing community-run, community-built centres – Stephanie Kilroe
139. Land reform, poverty and farm workers: Outcomes and questions – Karen Kleinbooi
140. Promoting fairness in access to higher education in an unequal society: The Student Equity and Talent Management Unit – Jennifer Koen, Rakhee Naik, Megan Reeves, Arthee Roopnarain, Simangele Lekhuleni, Brett Bowman & Zena Richards
141. Addressing inequality of access to healthcare for the rural poor of South Africa through leveraging multi-sector partnerships in the recruitment and retention of health workers – Saul Kornick
142. Violence Prevention through Urban Upgrading – Michael Krause
143. Saveact: Savings and credit groups and small enterprise development. Understanding strategies and opportunities to promote livelihoods strategies and small enterprise development, including in agriculture, through savings groups in a rural setting – Anton Krone, Mike de Klerk & Sylvia Storchi
144. Credit constraints and racial gap in post-secondary education in South Africa – David Lam, Cally Ardington, Nicola Branson & Murray Leibbrandt
145. Planning and participation in cities that move: Identifying obstacles to municipal mobility management – Loren Landau, Aurelia Segatti & Jean Pierre Misago
146. Framework for the assessment of government performance in post-apartheid South Africa: A practitioner’s perspectives – Lawrence Matemba
148. Ilifa Labantwana: Facilitating a quantum leap for early childhood development in South Africa – Sherri Le Mottee
149. The role of self-efficacy and the environment on the propensity to be employed – Michael B Leary
150. Institute for Innovation and Entrepeneurship at Vaal University of Technology: Conceptions, distinctions and impact – Teboho Pitso & Malefane Lebusa
151. Community engagement – a worth aspiration for higher education: An example from Monash South Africa – Debbie Lees, Lorraine Bennett & Craig Rowe
152. Trends in South African income distribution and poverty since the fall of apartheid – Murray Leibbrandt, Ingrid Woolard, Arden Finn & Jonathan Argent
155. Challenges in household energisation: The neglected poverty factor – Phillip Lloyd
156. Towards social transformation: Addressing poverty and inequality in the southern African educational context – Caroline Long, Tim Dunne & Willys Simfukwe
157. Youth and disability – inclusive development: Collective agency and reciprocal capacity development – Theresa Lorenzo
158. The institutionalization of community development in democratic South Africa – S Luka & M Maistry
159. Poverty and mental health: A review of practice and policies – Crick Lund
161. Investment in rural youth to become the healthcare professionals needed by their communities – RG McGregor & AJ Ross
163. Local economic development, business stimulation and poverty reduction within townships in South Africa: A paradox between policy and lived reality – Cecil Madell
165. Local realisation of Millenium Development Goals to improve development and inequities in cities: A pilot study in two metropolitan municipalities in South Africa – Pinky Mahlangu, Liz Thomas, Andre Rose, Michelle Peens & Lesego Kgatiswe
167. Toward the development of a family policy for South Africa: A call for an effective, robust poverty alleviation strategy – Lizette Berry & Monde Makiwane
168. Ethakweni Municipality Zimbambele Poverty Alleviation Programme: Low-intensity road maintenance programme – a model for best practice – M Manicum & K Manicum
169. Factors contributing to inequality in food security in South Africa: Implications for agricultural policy – Christopher Manyamba, Sheryl Hendriks, Pius Chilonda & Emmanuel Musaba
170. A poverty eradication agenda: Perspectives on YWCA in Botlokwa area – Makgoshi Masipa
171. “I thought we are safe”: SA lesbian women living with HIV – Zethu Matebeni, Theo Sandfort & Vasu Reddy
172. The social cohesion landscape in post-apartheid South Africa: A practitioner’s perspective – Lawrence Matemba
173. Asset based community driven (ABCD) development in South Africa: “Rebuilding communities from the inside out” – Sebastian Mathews
175. Tweeting out of poverty: Access to information and communication technologies as a pathway from poverty – Julian May
176. The shortcomings of the Department of Social Development: Lack of decisive leadership and missed opportunities at Expanded Public Works Programme are central in failure of government poverty alleviation programmes – Clarence Mayekiso
177. Sick and tired: Using creative therapeutic strategies for HIV/AIDS counselors and community care workers – Ernesha Webb & Andeline Dos Santos
178. What do we know about poverty, inequality and health in South Africa and what are the health system reform implications? An overview of recent research – Di McIntyre & John Ataguba
179. Fostering innovation for sustainable food security: The Southern Africa Food Lab – Milla McLachlan, Ralph Hamann, Vanessa Sayers, Candice Kelly & Scott Drimie
180. Exploring the relationship between spatial inequality and attitudes to inequality in South Africa – David McLennan, Michael Noble, Benjamin Roberts, Hangwelani Magidimisha & Temba Masilela
181. Unsettling the status quo: Children’s challenges to adult perceptions and practices – Helen Meintjies
182. Creating capabilities through maternal mental health: A case study at Hanover Park – Ingrid Meintjes, Thandi van Heyningen & Sally Field
184. A functional explanation of poverty: The case study of informal settlements in South Africa – A Moagi
185. Local knowledge is key to rural development in agriculture: A KwaZulu Natal case – Albert Modi
187. A need for clarity on the values that drive policy making – Marthie Momberg
188. A bioPsychoSocial response to poverty – Barak Morgan, Mark Tomlinson, Demetre Labadarios, Peter Cooper, Astrid Berg, Tim Oberlander, Pasco Fearon, Jack van Honk, Frank Kessel, Lynn Murray, Carol Worthman & Clifford Shearing
189. The South African Community Capability Study in Limpopo Province – Jaco Mostert & Melani Prinsloo
191. Evaluation of funded income-generating projects: A case of government-funded agricultural projects in Limpopo – John Mudau & Vhonani Netshandama
193. Poverty alleviation via energisation of informal urban Africa: A special role for small-scale biogas? Linus Naik & Harro von Blottnitz
194. Labour regulations evolution and inequality – Abhishek Nath & Amit Mishra
195. Differentiation within the South African clothing industry: Implications for wage setting and employment – Nicoli Nattrass & Jeremy Seekings
196. An econometric analysis of public finance on the development of small, medium and micro enterprises in South Africa – R Ncwadi & P le Roux
197. The quality of ICT use in South African classrooms – Nokulunga Ndlovu
198. Informal agro-food chains: Food on the margins of South Africa’s formal economy – David Neeves & Andries du Toit
199. Inequality and sustainability in South African poor urban communities: Local perspectives from Gauteng Province – Charles Nhemachena, Selma Karuaihe & Margaret Chitiga-Mabugu
200. Community asset mapping as a tool to achieve roots-driven change in the rural communities of the Bojanala region, North West Province, South Africa – Melanie Nicolau
201. Mobilising communities to look better, feel better and work better: The story of Kwanda – Innocent Nkata & Gavin Andersson
203. Using indicators of multiple deprivation to demonstrate the spatial legacy of apartheid in South Africa – Michael Noble & Gemma Wright
204. Promoting child well-being and rights: The prevention imperative in social welfare – lessons from practice – Christina Nomdo
208. Climate change poverty: Threat to food safety and agriculturally sustainable development – Kola Odeku
209. Household and informal economies: Intertwining lives and logics – Sophie Oldfield
210. Youth pulling themselves and each other out of poverty through peer learning and support – Joy Olivier
211. Social protection and the economic life cycle: National transfer accounts estimates for South Africa – Morne Oosthuizen
213. Overcoming inequality in South Africa through multi-bilingual education: A set of teaching methodologies – Margie Owen-Smith
214. Inequality and economic marginalisation: How the structure of the economy impacts on opportunities on the margins – Kate Philip
215. Lived experiences of the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act 92 of 1996: Overcoming obstacles at ground level – Camilla Pickles
216. Exposure to violence and educational outcomes: Evidence from Cape Town, South Africa – Duncan Pieterse
217. Intergenerational transmission of interpersonal violence: Evidence from Cape Town, South Africa – Duncan Pieterse
219. Expectations, job search and the measurement of unemployment in South Africa – Dorrit Posel, Daniela Casale & Claire Vermaak
220. Self-assessed well-being and economic rank in South Africa – Dorrit Posel 222 Ask them! Better measures to manage performance in poverty programs – Andre Proctor & David Bonwright
222. Ask them! Better measures to manage performance in poverty programs – Andre Proctor & David Bonwright
223. The case of Child SS and 1.1 million others like him – orphan children in need of social assistance – Paula Proudlock
224. Unlocking the value of “second economy” business activities in South Africa – Eddie Rakabe
225. Design and policy implementation issues in South Africa’s Jobs Fund and Youth Wage Subsidy – Eddie Rakabe
226. Inequality traps and human capital accumulation in South Africa – Miquel Pellicer & Vimal Ranchhod
227. Energising urban South Africa: Poverty, sustainability and future cities – Peta Wolpe, Yachika Reddy & Megan Euston-Brown
228. Reducing inequality and poverty while mitigating climate change? Key challenges for research and practice in middle income countries in Africa and Latin America – Britta Rennkamp, Alfred Moyo, William Wills & Carolina Grottera
229. A new model for in-service teacher training – Michael Rice
230. Early childhood development: Providing the best chance for all children – Linda Richter, Chris Desmond, Linda Biersteker, Justine Burns, Nosisi Feza, David Harrison, Patricia Martin, Haroon Saloojee, Wiedaad Slemming, Thabani Buthelezi, Margot Davids, Nonhlanhla Dhlamini, Nolwazi Gaza, Ian Goldman, George Laryea-Adjei, Maria Mabetoa, Thabo Mabogoane, Lynn Moeng, Zaheera Mohamed, Hersheela Narsee, Marie-Louise Samuels, Juliana Seleti & Roseline September
231. Fathers and other men in the lives of children and families – Linda Richter, Chris Desmond, Victoria Hosegood, Sangeetha Madhavan, Monde Makiwane, Tawanda Makusha, Robert Morrell & Sharlene Swartz
232. The wrong kind of poor – Thorin Roberts
234. Fairness: The moral justification for social policy – Vasti Roodt
235. A human-rights approach to poverty and inequality: Participation at the core – Solange Rosa
236. Breaking the cycle of poverty: What kind of change is needed for schools to make a difference? N Rudolph, L Berry & L Lake
237. Participatory design and making: Towards people-responsive public spaces – Tom Sanya
238. Managing a consumer debt crisis – Jurgen Schraten
239. Toward a new paradigm in school management – Geoff Schreiner & Barbara Njapha
240. Entry into the labour market – Jeremy Seekings
241. Implications of energy subsidy policies on sustainable livelihoods of the poor in Gauteng – Mamahloko Senatla
243. Natural resource richness mitigates against income poverty and livelihood vulnerability – Charlie Shackleton & Sheona Shackleton
244. Poverty: Giving meaning to the right to social assistance – June Sinclair
245. The story of 110 000 foster child grants that stopped being paid in 2010/2011 – Ann Skelton
246. Banking barriers to economic redress: A case study of a small business – Deon Snyman & Mike Winfield
248. Fishing for equality: Policy for poverty alleviation – Merle Sowman, Jackie Sunde, Serge Raemaekeres & Oliver Schultz
249. Poverty and privilege: Primary school inequality in South Africa – Nicholas Spaull
250. “Grow bigger or sink”: Farm scale and dairy farmer’s responses to economic pressures – Pauline Stanford
251. Enabling entrepeneurship through education and collaboration: Some initiatives and input from the Human Resource Development Council Technical Task Team on Enabling Entrepeneurship – Rob Stead, Shahida Cassim, Taddy Bletcher & Darryn von Maltitz
252. Creating a “hunger free community”: Multi-sector coalitions working to reduce hunger and malnutrition – Ann Steensland
253. Socio-economic transformation and the need for a participative democratic society – Linda Stewart
255. Towards the development of an energy-water-food security nexus based modelling framework as a policy and planning tool for South Africa – Gisela Prasad, Adrian Stone, Alison Hughes & Thedor Stewart
256. An asset-based approach to addressing poverty and inequality in South Africa: Tentative recommendations – Ilan Strauss & Keith Weeks
258. The challenge of addressing household energy poverty – Dehran Swart & Barry Brendenkamp
259. Restitution: A revised paradigm for the transformation of poverty and inequality in South Africa – Sharlene Swartz & Duncan Scott
260. People’s perceptions on indigenous leafy vegetables: A case study of Mantusini location of the Port St Johns Local Municipality, in the Eastern Cape, South Africa – Vuyiswa Taleni, Phefumula Nyoni & Nomalungelo Goduka
261. Schools and accountability – Nick Taylor
262. Mobilising young people as assets for development: The Columba Leadership Academy – Chris Griswold
263. Early educational inequalities and the impact of Grade R – Stephen Taylor
264. Pathways out of poverty: Lessons of experience in linking micro strategies with macro frameworks – Chance Chagunda & Viviene Taylor
265. Perceptions of rural farmers on the use of indigenous seeds in promoting food security: A case study of Lwandile location of Ngqeleni, Nyandeni Local Municipality, in the Eastern Cape, South Africa – Kholekile Ngqila, Mlamli Teti & Nomalungelo Goduka
266. Sustaining urban agriculture’s socioeconomic impact: The potential of vegetable box schemes in Cape Town, South Africa – A Thom & B Conradie
267. We can assist in spatially targeting HIV responses in areas of very high prevalence and incidence in South African urban informal housing areas: A strategic response – L Thomas, J Vearey & P Mahlangu
268. Isibindi: Innovative approaches to rural development through the delivery of child and youth care services – Lucy Jamieson & Zeni Thumbadoo
269. Paradoxes, the tyranny of structures and enterprise developments in South African towns – Daan Toerien & Maitland Seman
270. Philani Plus (+): A mentor mother community health worker home visiting program to improve maternal and infants’ outcomes – Mary Rotherman-Borus, Ingrid le Roux, Mark Tomlinson, Nokwanele Mbewu, W Comulada, Karl le Roux, Jacqueline Stewart, Mary O’Connor, Mary Hartley, Kate Desmond, Erin Greco, Carol Worthman, Faith Idemundia& Dallas Swendeman
272. Poverty and labour issues – Evariste Umba
273. That’s it: Together there is hope! – Margot Uys & Ernesha Mazinyo
275. Competencies for poverty reduction – Hanneke van Bruggen
276. The third sector and poverty reduction: Snapshots from the Eastern Cape – Richard Haines, Amanda van den Berg & Amy Shelver
277. Low quality education as a poverty trap – Servaas van der Berg, Cobus Burger, Ronelle Burger, Mia de Vos, Gideon Durand, Martin Gustafsson, Eldridge Moses, Debra Shepherd, Nicholas Spaull, Stephen Taylor, Hendrik van Broekhuizen & Dieter von Fintel
279. Seductive schemes, dangerous developments – or a journey of discovery and healing? – Phia van der Watt
280. Pro-poor growth and social projection in South Africa: Exploring the interactions – Haroon Bhorat & Carlene van der Westhuizen
281. Exploring the potential of the “Right to the City” to integrate the vision and practice of civil society and organisations of the urban poor in the struggle for the socio-spatial transformation of South African cities – Tristan Gorgens & Mirjam van Donk
282. Strategies of community disability workers to alleviate poverty and promote educational and economic inclusion of people with disabilities in rural communities in three Southern African countries – Ermien van Pletzen, Margie Booyens & Theresa Lorenzo
283. Migration, health and inequality in South African cities: The experiences of poor, urban migrants in Johannesburg – Jo Vearey, Lorena Nunez, Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon, Marliese Richter & Elsa Oliveira
285. Mediating from the margins: The role of intermediaries in facilitating participation in markets by poor producers – M von Broembsen
286. The Dutch Reformed Church and the poor white problem in the wake of the first Carnegie Report (1932): Some church historical observations – Robert Vosloo
287. Supporting tertiary access for disadvantaged students: Lessons from the SASOL Inzalo Foundation’s bursary programme – Marietjie Vosloo, Murray Hofmeyr & Mpho Letlape
288. Grounding “effective land reform” for 2030: Past, present and future considerations – Cherryl Walker
290. Social entrepeneurship – individuals with vision hold unlimited potential to alleviate poverty: The UnLtd South Africa – Kathy Watters, Louise Willington, Tom Schutte & Rachel Kruh
291. The role of memory work in building social cohesion – Julia Wells
292. Are SMEs the answer for job creators? Towards the operationalization of a SME Observatory – Johannes Wessels & Willem Ellis
293. Small towns: Development potential or poverty traps? Making sure place doesn’t take preference over people – Johannes Wessels
294. TRIP: A methodology for the reintegration of homeless people – Grafton Whyte
295. Water demand management’s shadow side: Tackling inequality and scarcity of water provision in Cape Town – Jessica Wilson & Taryn Pereira
296. Digging into ourselves: Experiences of public health sector managers in rural areas – Tim Wilson, Irna Senekal, Nomfunda Mogapi & Arlene Bernstein
297. Historical roots of inequality in South Africa – Francis Wilson
298. Developing an alternative conceptual approach to school improvement in South Africa: The School-based Complementary Learning Framework – Allistair Witten
299. Low-carbon development and poverty: Exploring poverty alleviating mitigation action in developing countries – Holle Wlokas, Britta Rennkamp, Marta Torres, Harald Winkler, Anya Boyd, Emily Tyler & Catherine Fedorsky
300. Lessons learned and practical strategies for poverty alleviation in a deep rural environment – Rejane Woodroffe
301. Health care for all: Addressing the nursing crisis through self-help learning – David Woods
302. Cape Town – the need for long-term city planning to address poverty and inequality – Carol Wright, Natasha Primo & Seth Maqethuka
303. From conception to career (C2C) – David Wylde
305. People, power and the coast: A conceptual framework for benefit sharing – Rachel Wynberg & Maria Hauck
306. Does a little go a long way?: The experiences of CSG recipients and non-recipients in four diverse settings in South Africa – Wanga Zembe-Mkabile, Tanya Doherty, Rebecca Surendur, David Sanders & Debra Jackson
307. Why do families still not receive the Child Support Grant in South Africa: A longitudinal analysis of a cohort of families across South Africa – Wanga Zembe-Mkabile, Tanya Doherty, David Sanders, Debra Jackson, Mickey Chopra, Sonja Swanevelder, Carl Lombard, Rebecca Surendur
308. A2B Transformation Movement – Vivienne Zwennis
Laat lammetjies (too late for publication in the abstract book)
309. Transforming Lives: Can savings and credit group membership work for women affected by HIV/AIDS? A South African case study – Annie Barber
310. Burden of new and recurrent Tuberculosis in a major South African city stratified by age and HIV-status – Robin Wood, Stephen Lawn, Judy Caldwell, Richard Kaplan, Keren Middelkook & Linda-Gail Bekker
311. Panel Discussion on Constitution, Law and Justice: A contribution – Sandra Liebenberg